Dr Catherine Hearn, B.Sc(Hons), PhD, MBBS, MPsychiatry, FRANZCP, Cert Addiction Psychiatry
Position: Psychiatrist at Orygen (Youth Mental Health) Inpatient Psychiatric Unit and Early Psychosis stream.
Dr Catherine Hearn is a consultant psychiatrist with a specialist qualification in addiction psychiatry.
She has previously completed an undergraduate science degree followed by a PhD in Medicine at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in the field of developmental neurobiology. After 4 years of postdoctoral research at the National Institute for Medical Research in London, she returned to Melbourne in 2003 to complete medical training, specializing in psychiatry. She completed basic psychiatry with NorthWestern Mental Health followed by the Advanced Certificate in Addiction Psychiatry and Turning Point, where she then worked as an Addiction Psychiatrist for up until early 2020. She has also worked with the Women’s Mental Health team at Royal Women’s Hospital including the WADS (Women’s Alcohol and Drug Service) team.
She is currently employed as a psychiatrist at Orygen Youth Health at Parkville in the Early Psychosis Stream.