Contact us

DACAS is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

If you are a health and welfare professional seeking assistance to respond to a patient or client’s alcohol or other drug use, or addictive behaviour, contact the DACAS number for your state or territory below. Please note that DACAS is available to professionals based in Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory only. Calling DACAS is free. 

VIC: 1800 812 804
TAS: 1800 630 093
NT: 1800 111 092


We value your feedback about DACAS and the DACAS website. If you have any suggestions or comments about how to improve the DACAS website, suggestions for new content that might be helpful, and/or feedback about any technical difficulties encountered using this website or our phone line, please let us know.

Feedback can be directly emailed to [email protected]

Please be mindful that this email is not monitored on a daily basis and is for feedback only.