Turning Point
Turning Point provides a wide range of specialist treatment and support services to people affected by alcohol and drug use. Clinical services at Turning Point are provided by specialist clinicians, outreach workers and counsellors. Turning Point clinicians are available to provide consultancy and support services to community based service providers.
For medical services, a GP or health service referral is required.
Medical services:
- Chronic pain consultancy service
- Specialist alcohol consultancy service
- Specialist pharmacotherapy service (secondary consultation and referral) – methadone, buprenorphine, Suboxone®
- Maintenance treatment of opioid dependence at Turning Point pharmacy, which dispenses methadone, buprenorphine, Suboxone® and other medicated outpatient withdrawal treatments to patients of our clinic
- Specialist interventions for methamphetamine users
- Management of benzodiazepine dependence
- Home based and outpatient withdrawal.
Other services and programs:
These services can be accessed through self referral or referral from a health professional.
- Individual counselling (Medicare psychology requires a GP referral)
- Outreach services
- Mental health interventions
- Needle and syringe program (NSP)
- Forensic client services
- Group counselling.
For the professional:
- Training and clinical placements
- Community development and capacity building for local services
- Addiction medicine training program
- GP advanced skills training program
- Psychiatric registrar rotation
- Dual diagnosis rotation initiative
- Advice and assistance to GPs and other health professionals in the management of complex clients via consultancy, shared care and case conferencing.
Turning Point Clinic can be contacted on (03) 8413 8444.